Asteraceae |
![]() Inula helenium subsp. orgyalis |
Inula L. Inula helenium L. subsp. orgyalis (BOISS.) GRIERSON Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 7 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 9 Habitat: su ve göl kenarı, orman, çalılık Minimum yükseklik: 1000 Maksimum yükseklik: 2560 Endemik: endemik Element: Karadeniz Türkiye dağılımı: K., KD. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Türkiye Bulunduğu kareler: A4 A7 A8 A9 B8 B9 B10 |
I. helenium L., Sp. PI. 881 (1753). Ic: Hegi, 111. Fl. Mittel-Eur. 6(1):476, f. 240 (1917), subsp. helenium. Perennial herb with thick aromatic rhizomes. Stems ± erect, 1-2 m, pubescent or densely spreading-pilose, branched above. Basal leaves ovate-elliptic, 40-50 cm (incl. 10-15 cm petiole) x 12-20 cm, acute, gradually attenuate at base, margin coarsely serrate, papillose to adpressed pilose above, pubescent or sub-tomentose beneath; upper leaves smaller, ovate, sessile, semi-amplexicaul, rounded and subcordate at base. Capitula radiate, large, usually 5-20 in lax corymbs or narrow racemes. Involucre (l∙5-)2∙5-4∙5 cm broad; phyllaries imbricate or subequal, 6-7-seriate; outer ones lanceolate, 2∙5-4∙5 x 0∙75-1∙25 cm, foliaceous and longer than inner ones or ovate, 0∙75-1∙5 x 0∙5-1 cm, shorter than inner ones, herbaceous, densely pubescent or tomentose sometimes with brown margins; inner ones acuminate, 1∙5x0∙15 cm, membranous. Ray flowers (15-)75-100, ligules (3-)10-30 mm. Disc flowers 8∙5-10∙5 cm. Achenes 5-angular, 2∙75-3∙5 mm, glabrous or minutely pubescent at apex. Pappus brownish, 6-10 mm, hairs 40-60, barbellate, connate at base. Fl. 7-9. Stream or lakesides, often in forests or scrub, 1000-2560 m. Although the species is probably of Euro-Siberian (possibly Euxine) origin, two of the four Turkish subspecies are now confined to mesophytic habitats in the Irano-Turanian region. 1. Outer phyllaries foliaceous, longer than inner ones; involucre 3∙5-5 cm broad; ligules 25-30 mm subsp. orgyalis 1. Outer phyllaries scarcely foliaceous, shorter than inner ones; involucre 2-3 cm broad; ligules less than 20 mm 2. Ligules few (c. 15), 3-6 mm, scarcely longer than involucre subsp. vanensis 2. Ligules numerous, 10-15 mm, obviously longer than involucre 3. Capitula borne on short side branches of inflorescence of racemose or spicate form subsp. turcoracemosa 3. Capitula borne on long side branches of inflorescence of corymbose form subsp. pseudohelenium subsp. orgyalis (Boiss.) Grierson in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 33:249 (1974). Syn: I. orgyalis Boiss., Fl. Or. Suppl. 291 (1888). Map 4, p. 59 Type: [Turkey B9 Van(?)] Semina misit cl. Kotschy unde plantam in horto Valeyres cultam descripsi (G, photo E!). N. & N.E. Anatolia. A4 Zonguldak: Kel Tepe above Yenice, 1350 m, D. 37799! Kastamonu: Daday to Eflani, 1000-2000 m, D. 38636! A9 Çoruh: Yalnizçam Da. below Kutul, 1900 m, D. 32462! Endemic. Euxine element. As all the above wild-collected material comes fromN. & N.E. Anatolia, it seems reasonable to doubt that the seed originally came from Van, as Boissier recorded it. |