Geraniaceae |
![]() Geranium asphodeloides subsp.asphodeloides |
Geranium L. Geranium asphodeloides BURM. FIL. subsp. asphodeloides BURM. FIL. Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 6 Habitat: ormanlar, çalılar, çayırlıklar, kıyılar Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 1400 Endemik: - Element: Avrupa-Sibirya Türkiye dağılımı: K., O., B. ve G. Andolu Genel dağılımı: Balkanlar, Kırım, B. Kafkasya, K. İran Bulunduğu kareler :A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B1 B2 B3 C5 C6 |
G. asphodeloides Burm. fil., Sp. Geran. 28 (1759). Map 40, p. 465. Perennial, 15-50 cm, erect or weakly ascending; rhizome short, bearing fleshy, narrowly fusiform roots. Leaves 3-6 cm diam., palmatifid to ¾-4/5; segments broadly cuneate, 2-3-fid into entire or incised-dentate lobes. Peduncles l-6(-10) cm. Pedicels glandular-pilose, deflexed in fruit. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, 6-7.5 mm, pubescent, often glandular; awn 1-1.5 mm. Petals obovate or narrowly so, entire or retuse, 9-14 mm, mauve or sometimes reddish purple. Mericarps pubescent, not ridged; beak (excl. slender style) 10-12 mm. Seeds foveolate. Very variable in habit, indumentum and flower size. Two subspecies, showing some intergradation, can be recognised in Turkey: 1. Stem retrorsely pilose, eglandular; inflorescence diffuse, few-flowered, leafy; petals 12-16 mm, mauve subsp. asphodeloides 1. Stem patently glandular-pilose with long eglandular hairs and shorter, darkly capitate glandular hairs; inflorescence more definite and more numerous-flowered, scarcely leafy; petals 9-12 mm, mauve or deep reddish purple subsp. sintenisii subsp. asphodeloides. Figure 14, p. 455. Syn: G. pallens Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 2: 138 (1808); G. tauricum Rupr., Fl Cauc. 268 (1869); G. asphodeloides var. genuinum Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 878 (1867). Ic: Fiori, Ic. Fl Ital. f. 2486 (1901). Fl. 4-6. Forest, scrub, meadows, banks, s. 1.-1400 ın. Described from Italy. A2(E) Istanbul: Bahçeköy,. sl, Coode & Jones 73! A2(A) Bursa: Bursa, Yildiz, 1893, B. Post ! A3 Sakarya: Sapanca, Warburg & Endlich. A4 Kastamonu: N side of IlgazDa., 1800-1900 m, D. 20471! A5 Sinop: NW of Sinop, 10 m, Tobey 10a! A6 Ordu: S of Ünye, 1070 m, Furse & Synge 131! A7 Trabzon: Trabzon, 50 m, Stainton 8101! A8 Rize: Cimil, 1900 m, Bal. (stems patently hirsute)! A9 Çoruh: Ardanuç to Kordevan, 1700 m, D. 30107! Bl Balikesir: Kaz Da., Kirk! B2 Kütahya/Bursa: Tavşanlı to Inegöl, 1200-1400 m, D. 36165! B3 Bilecik: Söğüt to Eskişehir, 11 km from Söğüt, 1020 m, Hub.-Mor. 12908. C5Içel: Findikpinariköy to Akarca, 900 m, 1103! C6 Hatay: Mt. Cassius, 900-1200 m, 9 v 1945, Norris ! Balkans, Crimea, W. Caucasia, N. Iran, Latakia (canescent variant). Euro-Sib, element. A rather broad view of this subspecies has been adopted here. Some densely hairy specimens from N. Turkey have been referred to G. asphodeloides var. hispidum Boiss. (e.g. A2 Istanbul: Elmali, Azn., A8 Trabzon, Bourgeau); in indumentum these approach subsp. crenophilum (Boiss.) Bornm., apparently confined to Lebanon and Latakia (cf. Bornmüller in Feddes Rep. Beih. 89(1): 134, 1938). |