Ephedraceae |
![]() Ephedra major |
Ephedra L. Ephedra major HOST Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: sucul, çalı Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: -1 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: -1 Habitat: kayalık Minimum yükseklik: 300 Maksimum yükseklik: 3000 Endemik: - Element: ? Türkiye dağılımı: B., O. ve D. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Akdeniz, Doğuya B. Himalayalar Bulunduğu kareler:A2 A4 A5 A6 A8 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 B8 B9 |
E. major Host, Flora Austr. 2: 671 (1832). Syn: E. nebrodensis Tineo in Guss., Fl. Sic. 2: 637 (1844); E. vulgaris Tchihatcheff, As. Min. Bot. 2: 500 (1866) non Rich. Iα: Bot. Mag. 153: t. 9204 (1930), as E. procera Fisch. & Mey. Wiry erect shrub. Stems diffusely branched, the branches whorled or rarely opposite, green or glaucous, striate, rarely scarcely so. Leaf-sheaths cyathiform, membranaceous above, bifid, becoming erose. Male flowers 4-8 per fascicle. Female flowers solitary. Berry red or rarely yellow. Rocky places, 300-3000 m. Type: Dalmatian mountains, Portenschlag. Mainly in Inner Anatolia, not in the S. A2 Bilecik: Bilecik, Karasu, 300-400 m, Bornm. 1929: 13645! A4 Ankara: Çubuk Baraj, Walter 3416! A5 Kastamonu: Taşköprü to Gökçeağaç, 400 m, D. 38027! A6 Tokat: Tokat, 600-700 m, Bornm. 1892: 3542! A8 Çoruh: Artvin, 400 m, Stainton 8280! Bl Çanakkale: S of Renköy, Kirk! B2 Kütahya: Gediz to Kütahya, 1000 m, D. 36916! B3 Eskişehir: Eskişehir, Dingier. B4 Ankara: N of Koçhissar, 900 m, McNeill 327! B5 Kayseri: Ercias Da., Zed.! B7 Elaziğ: Malatya to Elaziğ, Hausskn. B8 Erzurum: Horasan to Pasinler, 1700 m, D. 30823! B9 Van: Artos Da., 3000 m, D. 22783! Throughout the Mediterranean area, east to the W. Himalayas. A very variable species in which numerous varieties have been described. Var. procera (Fisch. & Mey.) Stapf, which is frequently recorded for Turkey, is said to have smooth branches; however, in Turkey many intermediate states between smooth and densely papillose occur. |