Boraginaceae |
![]() Echium italicum |
![]() Echium italicum |
![]() Echium italicum |
Echium L. Echium italicum L. Ömür: İki yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 8 Habitat: kireçtaşı yamaçlar, tarlalar, tahrip edilmiş arazi, b.g. Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 1950 Endemik: - Element: Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: Türkiye Genel dağılımı: O. ve G. Avrupa, GB. Asya Bulunduğu kareler:A1 A2 A4 A5 A7 A8 A9 B1 B3 B4 B6 B7 B9 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 C9 C10 |
E. italicum L., Sp. PI. 139 (1753). Syn: E. altissimum Jacq., Fl. Austr. 5:35, App. t. 16 (1778); E. asperrimum auct. non. Lam. (1792); E.pyramidatum DC., Prodr. 10:23 (1846); E. italicum L. var. biebersteinii Lacaita in J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 44:405(1918). Ic: Bonnier, Fl. Compl. Fr., Suisse et Belg. 8: t. 422 f. 1983 (1926); Hegi, III. Fl. Mittel-Eur. 5(3): f. 3141 (1927). Figure 8, p. 243. Biennial, densely hispid-setose, setae often yellowish when dry. Stem erect, to 90 cm, densely patent- to erecto-patent-setose. Leaves densely setose, acute, linear to narrowly oblong; basal to 25(-35) x 2(-4.5) cm, attenuate into short petiole; cauline smaller, sessile to subsessile. Inflorescence usually ± pyramidal, lowest branches arising from axils of lower cauline leaves; sometimes narrower and ± spike-like. Calyx 6-8 mm in flower, to 12 mm in fruit. Corolla pale blue, lilac, pinkish or whitish, 7-9.5 mm, narrowly infundibular, sparsely setiform-hairy or glabrescent outside. Stamens mostly long-exserted; filaments pale brown to orange. Style bifid for c. 1 mm. Nutlets c. 4 x 2 mm, ± oblong, with incurved acute beak and raised ribbed shoulders, rugose-tuberculate and reticulate. Fl. 5-8. Limestone slopes, fields, disturbed ground, etc., s.l.-1950 m. Almost throughout Turkey; Islands. A1(E) Edirne: 1 km W. of lpsala, 40 m, Kukkonen 8400! A1(A) Balıkesir: Marmara adasi, A.Baytop (ISTE 13711)! A2(E) Istanbul: Halkali, 2 viii 1897, Azn.! A2(A) Bursa: Ulu Da., 11 vii 1971, Shmida & Lev-Aril A4 Ankara: 10 km N. of Ankara, M. & D. Zohary 876! A5 Samsun: Bafra, Karaköy Çiftlik, 30 m, Tobey 345! A7 Trabzon: 10 km S.W. of Trabzon, 150 m, Walton 1! A8 Çoruh: nr Ortaköy (Grossheim 7: map 326). A9 Erzurum: nr Olur (Grossheim 7: map 326). Bl lzmir: Bergama, 400 m, Dudley {D. 34834)! B3 Eskişehir: Mihaliççik to Sariyar baraji, 900 m, D. 37218! B4 Konya: 8 km from llgin to Zaferiye, 1060 m, K. & E.Buttler 2002! B6 Malatya: Hekimhan, 1300 m, Stn. & Hend. 5431 ! B7 Erzincan: Keşiş Da. above Çimin, 1700 m, D. 31724! B9 Bitlis: Tatvan, 1890 m, Tong 39! C2 Denizli: Honaz Da., Tozluca, 1490 m, Tuzlaci. C3 Antalya: Antalya to Finike, 800 m, Khan et al. 238! C4 Konya: Konya to Çumra, Küçük Köy, 980 m, Helbaek 2549! C5 lçel: Gülek Tepe, 1200 m, Siehe 1896:460! C6 Gaziantep: Gaziantep, Aysoy325! C8 Mardin: Mardin, Sint. 1888:1162! C9 Mardin: Cizre, 350 m, D. 42536! CI0 Hakkari: Gevar Ovasi, 2-3 km from Yüksekova, 1950 m, D. 45761! Is: Lesvos, Rech. 5853; Khios, Platt 276! Samos, v 1966, Jakobsen; Kos, Rech. 7916! Rodhos, Fiori 379. C. & S. Europe, S.W. Asia. Medit. element? The large size of the inflorescence of E. italicum means that generally only the terminal portion, or a lateral branch, is collected. Specimens with broadly pyramidal inflorescences have been distinguished as var. biebersteinii Lacaita, but this variation does not appear to be correlated with any other feature, and may well depend on the degree of maturity of the plant. Collateral cultivation might well reveal the existence of local variants; white-setose plants from C4 Konya (e.g. Ermenek, Pẻronin 192!) have a rather dwarf habit and narrow inflorescence reminiscent of E. glomeratum. |