Fabaceae |
![]() Dorycnium graecum |
Dorycnium MILLER Dorycnium graecum (L.) SER. Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot ve yarıçalı Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 8 Habitat: yolkenarları, açık yamaçlar, maki, ibreli ve yaprak döken ormanlar Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 2000 Endemik: - Element: Karadeniz Türkiye dağılımı: K., KB. Türkiye, G. ve O. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Balkanlar'ın Doğusu, Kırım, Kafkasya Bulunduğu kareler:A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 B1 B2 B3 B5 B8 C5 C6 |
D. graecum (L.) Ser. in DC, Prodr. 2:208 (1825). Bornm. in Feddes Rep. 45:78-87(1938). Syn: Lotus graecus L., Mant. 1:104(1767); D. latifolium Willd., Sp. P1. 3:1397 (1802); D. kotschyi (Boiss. & Reut.) Boiss.. F1. Or. 2:161 (1872)! D. latifolium Willd. var. kotschyi (Boiss.) Rikli in Bot. Jahrb. 31:351 (1901)! Ic: F1. URSS 11: t. 18 f. 2 (1945); Grossh., F1. Kavk. 5: t. 26 f. 1 (1952). Perennial herb or small sub-shrub. Stems 25-80(-90) cm, crisped-hirsute. Leaves with a short rachis, l-3(-5) mm; leaflets 10-30(-40) x3-15 mm, obovate-oblong to oblanceolate, adpressed sparingly pubescent, glabrescent above; internodes 1.5-10 cm. Inflorescence 10-30(-40)-flowered, peduncles 1.5-7 cm. Flowers 5-8 mm, white; pedicels equalling calyx-tube or somewhat shorter, 1-2 mm; calyx 3-4.5 mm, villous, calyx teeth lanceolate-subulate, about equalling tube or somewhat longer. Legume 4-10 x 1.5-3 mm, oblong-cylindrical to slightly conical, beak 1-2 mm, valves not contorting at maturity. Seeds 1-4. Fl. 4-8. Roadsides, open slopes, macchie, coniferous and deciduous forest, s.1.-2000 m. Described from Greece (Hb. Linn. 931/20, 21!). Mainly N. & N.W. Turkey; local in S. (Amanus) and C. Anatolia. A1(E) Kirklareli: Istranca forest, Karaman bayiri, 600 m, Demiriz 5552! A1(A) Çanakkale: Kirazlı (Balaban), 24 v 1956, Tören and Attila! A2(E) Istanbul: Fatih ormani (forest) to Bahçeköy, 3 km to Bahçeköy, Demiriz & Enberker 5625!,A2(A) Bursa: Uludağ, Bakacik road, vi 1944, Başarman! A3 Bolu: Aladağ on Kartalkaya tepe, 1750 m, D. 37429! A4 Kastamonu: Ilgaz Da.: Ilgaz-Pass, 1700 m, Markgraf 10594! A5 Sinop: d. Ayancik, Çangal to Kertil, 1450 m, 10 viii 1945, Kasapligil! A6 Samsun: new Ankara road, 5 miles inland, 150 m, Tobey 288! A7 Trabzon: Trabzon, 150 m, Balls 1571! A8 Çoruh: above Artvin, 1450 m, D. 29742! Bl Balikesir: Mt. Ida (Kaz Da.), nr. Kareikos, Sint. 1883:428! B2 Kütahya: Simav, Kiçir to Akdağ, 1600 m, Coode & Jones 2686! B3 Eskişehir: above Mihaliççik, 1500 m, D. 37208! B5 Yozgat: Akdağmadeni: Çulhali region: Aktaş De., 1700 m, Kayacık & Eliçin (ISTO 3859)! B8 Erzurum: "Erzurum'. Zohrab 576 (possibly from Trabzon)! C5 Hatay: Arsuz, above Mazili düz, Amanos Da., 1150 m, 13 vi 1967, Akman! C6 Hatay: nr. Beilan (Belen), Narkislik (Nergizlik) to Kara Tschausch (Karaçavuş), 915 m, Kotschy 1862:62 (type of D. kotschyi)! E. part of Balkan peninsula, Crimea and Caucasus. Euxine element. Very variable in habit, shape and size of leaves, density of inflorescence, size of legume, etc. Plants with somewhat longer leaflets and legumes from C5/6 Hatay have been distinguished as a separate species (D. kotschyi) by Boissier. Longer leaflets (up to 35-40 mm) and legumes up to 9 mm in length, however, can also be observed in recent materials from A1(E) Kirklareli: Istranca forest, Demiriz 5552 and A3 Bolu: Düzce to Akçakoca, D. 37513. A specimen from A2(A) Bursa: Uludağ: Bakacik road, Başarman, has inflorescences with up to 65 flowers (the highest number observed in Dorycnium). Sect. Dorycnium (Sect. Eudorycnium Boiss.). Calyx slightly 2-lipped: the two upper teeth broader than the three lower; corolia wings cohering at apex and conspicuously saccate; legume 1-seeded. |