Rubiaceae |
![]() Cruciata mixta |
![]() Cruciata mixta |
Cruciata MILLER Cruciata mixta EHREND. ET SCHÖNB.-TEM. Ömür: Tek veya İki yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Habitat: bozuk çalılıklar Minimum yükseklik: 700 Maksimum yükseklik: 1200 Endemik: endemik Element: D. Akdeniz (Dağ) Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu (Amanoslar) Genel dağılımı: Türkiye Bulunduğu kareler:C6 |
C. mixta Ehrend. & Schönb.-Tem. in Plant Syst. Evol. 133:110(1979). Winter annual (or rarely biennial?), c. 15-40 cm. Main axis prostrate-ascending, dying off early; branches ± all flower-bearing, erect to ascending, quadrangular, sparingly and often retrorsely hairy mainly below, almost smooth above, subhirsute only below nodes, hairs weak, c. 1-2 mm;internodes 8-16, those of flowering region to c. 7.5 cm. Leaves thin, 3-nerved, 8-18 x 4-8(-10) mm, lower approximate, oblong-elliptic to broadly elliptic or ovate, obtuse, subpetiolate, scabrid-ciliate along margins and midrib on both sides. Bracts rhombic-ovate to (ob)ovate-elliptic, obtuse to acutish, reflexed and accrescent in fruit to c. 20 x 11 mm, broadly elliptic or obovate-elliptic, margins long hirsute-ciliate in lower 1/3, antrorsely scabrid at apex, sometimes tinged with purple. Cymes (7-)l 1-13-flowered. Peduncles and pedicels hirsute, finally elongate to 6 mm and reflexed. Bracteoles numerous, elliptic to oblanceolate-elliptic, long-ciliate, accrescent to c. 10 x 3(-5) mm. Corolla yellow, c. 1.5-2.5 mm diarn., lobes ovate to rhombic-ovate, acute. Mericarps single, subglobose, c. 4 mm diam., rugulose, glabrous. Fl. 4-5. Degraded scrub, 700-1200 m. Type: Turkey C6 Adana: Dumanli Daği near Haruniye, 1000 m, Davis & Hedge, D. 26883 (holo. E! iso. W!). S. Anatolia (Amanus). C6 Maraş: 8 km S. of Andirin, Coode & Jones 1110! Adana: Düldül Da. above Haruniye, 1200 m, Polunin (D. 26098)! Dümanli Da., 700-1200 m, Haradj. 3668! Endemic. E. Medit. (mt.) element. Shares characters both with C. laevipes (long, weak indumentum, elongate internodes of flowering region, thin leaves) and particularly with C. taurica (much accrescent, broad bracts, large fruit), but is a short-lived derivative. |