Asteraceae |
![]() Cirsium libanoticum subsp. arachnoideum |
Cirsium MILLER Cirsium libanoticum DC. subsp. arachnoideum DAVIS ET PARRIS Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 7 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 7 Habitat: akarsu yanı, koruluk Minimum yükseklik: -1 Maksimum yükseklik: 2200 Endemik: - Element: İran-Turan Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu, D. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: K. Irak, Suriye, B. İran Bulunduğu kareler:B6 C2 C3 C4 C5 |
C. libanoticum DC, Prodr. 6:647 (1838). Rigid perennial, c. 100-150 cm. Stems (below inflorescence) continuously or interruptedly sinuate-winged, the triangular lobes produced into stout 3-10 mm spines, ± widely branched above into a stiff panicle, branches unwinged or spiny. Median cauline leaves oblong, pinnatifid to ½-¾, 6-12 x 3-5 cm (incl. spines), lobes 4-6-paired, triangular to lanceolate, simple to 3-fid, spines 2-12 mm, lamina ± coriaceous, glabrous, or ± arachnoid below; upper leaves reduced and more deeply dissected into long yellowish spines. Capitula solitary or clustered on branch tips, pedunculate or sessile, often subtended by reduced leaves or spines. Involucres hemispherical or subconical, 12-20 mm. Phyllaries 6-9-seriate, outer and median narrowly ovate to oblong-lanceolate, acute with a prominent blackish l.5-2(-3) mm vitta tipped by a 0.5-3 mm erecto-patent yellowish spine. Corollas 15-19 mm, purple (rarely white). Achenes immature. Pappus 13-14 mm. 1. Leaves glabrous or sparsely arachnoid below with multicellular hairs; inflorescence usually with wingless, unarmed internodes; involucre hemi-spherical, 14-20 x 15-22 mm; median phyllaries with 1-3 mm spines subsp. lycaonicum 1. Leaves weakly arachnoid to tomentose below with slender unicellular hairs; inflorescence branches with shortly spiny internodes; involucre hemispherical- obconical (less rounded at base than subsp. lycaonicum and subsp. libanoticum), 12-15x15-20 mm; median phyllaries with0.5-1 mm spines subsp. arachnoideum subsp. arachnoideum Davis & Parris in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 33:419 (1975). Map 43, p. 389. By streams, in woods etc., ascending to 2200 m. Type: Turkey B6 Maraş: d. Elbistan, Kapidere (Istasyon), 31 vii 1952, Davis, Dodds & Çetik, (D. 20424, holo. E! iso. K!). S. & E. Anatolia. B6 Malatya: d. Doğanşehir, Eskiköy, Kurnoz mezresi civari, c. 2000 m, M.Şahin (Peşmen 2444)! C5 Adana: 3-4 km N. of Pozanti, 2200 m, Aberdeen Univ. Amanus Exped. M1 930 (atypical)! N. Iraq, Syria (Damascus); W. Iran? Ir.-Tur. element? A variable taxon, specimens of which have previously been determined by Petrak as C. apiculatum DC, C. hygrophilum Boiss. and even C. palustre L. It is just possible that some introgression has occurred between subsp. arachnoideum and C. creticum sensu lato, although the latter species is rare in the area now. Literature records of C. libanoticum from Siirt (Nábělek 3548) and Adiyaman {Hand.-Mazz. 2397) may belong to subsp. arachnoideum, though confusion with C. pubigerum var. spinosum cannot be ruled out in that area. The distinction between C. libanoticum (incl. C. apiculatum) and C. hygrophilum is not always clear in W. Iran. |