![]() Cirsium arvense subsp. vestitum |
![]() Cirsium arvense subsp. vestitum |
![]() Cirsium arvense subsp. vestitum |
![]() Cirsium arvense subsp. vestitum |
Cirsium MILLER |
C. arvense (L.) Scop., Fl. Carn. ed. 2, 2:126 (1772). Many-stemmed, dioecious perennial, 20-100 cm, with adventitious shoots from deep wide-creeping roots. Stems unwinged, usually branched, glabrous to floccose-arachnoid. Median cauline leaves sometimes shortly decurrent, ovate to oblong, entire to pinnatisect, with weak marginal spines 1-5 mm, without setae on upper surface, glabrous to sparsely floccose-arachnoid above; glabrous to tomentose below. Involucral leaves absent. Involucres obovoid-hemispherical, solitary to c. 11 on each branch; erect, 10-25 mm. Phyllaries -9-seriate, sparsely arachnoid, with prominent vitta; median 4-10 mm incl. 0.5x0.1 mm apical spine. Corollas light purple, 14-20 mm. Achenes 2.5-3.5 mm. Pappus 21-35 mm. Fl. (5-)6-9(-J0). Roadsides, riverbanks, ditches, pastures, cultivated land, wheat and cornfields, tea plantations, steppe, Quercus infectoria-Q. castanea (sic) wood, 15-2500 m. 1. Leaves ± glabrous above and below subsp. arvense 1. Leaves tomentose below, usually sparsely arachnoid above subsp. vestitum subsp. vestitum (Wimmer & Grab.) Petrak, in schedis (1913). Syn: Serratula incana Gmelin, Reise Russl. 1:155 (1770); S. ciliata Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 2:267 (1808); Cirsium incanum (Gmelin) Fisch. ex Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 3:561 (1819); Charadze in Fl. URSS 28:211 (1963); C. arvense var. vestitum Wimmer & Grab., Fl. Siles. 2, 2:292 (1829); C. arvense (L.) Scop., Boiss., Fl. Or. 3:552 (1875) pro parte; C. arvense var. incanum (Gmelin) O. &B.Fedtsch., Consp. Fl. Turkestan 4:287 (1911); C. arvense subsp. incanum (Gmelin) Iljin, Fl. Yugo-Vost. SSSR 6:408 (1936). Ic: Gmelin, Reise Russl. 1, t. 36 (1770). Described from Poland. A1(E) Edirne: Sinit, A.Baytop (ISTE 22417)! A2(E) Istanbul: Vigne Fenerli, Thérapia (Tarabya), Azn.! (leaves ± entire). A2(A) Bursa; Ulu Da., 1800 m, A. &. T. Baytop (ISTE 20990)! A3 Zonguldak: 7 km W. of Kozlu, 20-30m, D. 37615! (leaves ± entire). A4 Zonguldak: Kel Tepe above Yenice, 1200 m, D. 37781! A5 Kastamonu: Tosya, Karadere to Devrendi, Sint. 1892:4972 (leaves ± entire). A6 Samsun: Samsun, 15 m, Tobey 863! A7? Trabzon: Trabzon, Turkevicz! (leaves ± entire). A8 RizHub.-Mor. 15952! A9 Kars: Kars, Tong 389! B3 Eskişehir: 10 km N. of Eskişehir, M.&D.Zohary 418! B6 Sivas: Sivas to Suşehri, 1580 m, Buttler 13991! (leaves ± entire). 38 Erzurum: 4 km N. of Erzurum, 1800 m, D. 47488! B9 Ağri: between Ağri and Horasan, 2500 m, Rech. 15079! B10 Kars: 5 km E. of Iğdir, 800 m, D. 43829! C2 Muğla: Girdev Da., 2000 m, D. 13866! C3 Isparta: 6 km S. of Karaağaç, 1500 m, Sorger 68-40-5! C4 Içel: Karaman to Mut, 1380 m, Hub.-Mor. 17315! C5 Niğde: Ulukışla, 1450 m, Siehe 439! C. Europe, Balkans, S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasus to C. Asia. Except where indicated, Turkish collections have leaves lobed to c. half their width. e: Güneyce, Ikizdere to Çamlik, 1200 m, Hub.-Mor. 15952! A9 Kars: Kars, Tong 389! B3 Eskişehir: 10 km N. of Eskişehir, M.&D.Zohary 418! B6 Sivas: Sivas to Suşehri, 1580 m, Buttler 13991! (leaves ± entire). 38 Erzurum: 4 km N. of Erzurum, 1800 m, D. 47488! B9 Ağri: between Ağri and Horasan, 2500 m, Rech. 15079! B10 Kars: 5 km E. of Iğdir, 800 m, D. 43829! C2 Muğla: Girdev Da., 2000 m, D. 13866! C3 Isparta: 6 km S. of Karaağaç, 1500 m, Sorger 68-40-5! C4 Içel: Karaman to Mut, 1380 m, Hub.-Mor. 17315! C5 Niğde: Ulukışla, 1450 m, Siehe 439! C. Europe, Balkans, S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasus to C. Asia. Except where indicated, Turkish collections have leaves lobed to c. half their width. Putative Hybrids A few possibly hybrid plants have been collected, but the putative parent species were in no cases collected with the possible hybrids. The pollen appears to be largely sterile. |