Asteraceae |
![]() Centaurea cheirolopha |
Centaurea L. Centaurea cheirolopha (FENZL) WAGENITZ Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 6 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 8 Habitat: Quercus ve Pinus ormanı, step Minimum yükseklik: 300 Maksimum yükseklik: 1800 Endemik: - Element: D. Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Lübnan Bulunduğu kareler:C5 C6 |
C. cheirolopha (Fenzl) Wagenitz in Willdenowia 2:466 (1961). Syn: Charto-lepis cheirolopha Fenzl in Tchihat., Asie Min. Bot. 2:324 (1860)! Centaurea cheiracantha Fenzl ex Boiss., Fl. Or. 3: 693 (1875)! Ic: Boul., Fl. Lib. Syr. t. 246 (1930). Perennial, stems (10-)20-25 cm, erect or ascending, simple or with few branches. Leaves green and glabrescent above, grey-tomentose below, of very variable form, basal and lower usually lyrate with large lanceolate or hastate terminalsegment and 1-3 pairs of lateral segments or undivided, lanceolate, entire or denticulate; median and upper leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, sometimes narrowly decurrent. Involucre 15-20 x9-12(-15) mm, ± ovoid. Appendages small, brown, broadly triangular, spreading or reflexed, with 5-7 digitate 1-5 mm spinules. Flowers yellow. Achenes 4-5.5 mm; pappus 0.5-1.5 mm, inner row not distinctly different, Fl. 6-8. Quercus and Pinus woods, steppe, 300-1800 m. Syntypes: [Turkey C5 Içel] Bulgardagh Ciliciae, regione montana circa pagum Gulek, c. 1000 m, Balansa 660 (C! E! G! GOET! W!), Kotschy 1836:261 (E! G! GOET! K! W!). [Lebanon] Syria, m. Libano ad Bscherre regione Danie supra Eden et circa Cedretum, 1286 m, Kotschy 1855:332 (W!). S. Anatolia. C5 Niğde: Bulgar Maden, N.W. of Çiftehan, c. 1600 m, vi 1965, Eiselt! Içel: Bolkar Da., E. slopes of Armacek Da. above Ali Köprü, 1200 m, 21 viii 1931, Eig & M.Zohary! Adana: 5 km N. of Pozanti, 1200 m, Aberdeen Univ. Amanus Exped. A 1/58! C5/6 Hatay: Cassius (Akra Da.), vi 1846, Boiss.! 1 vi 1884, G.Post ! Haradj. 2965! C6 Hatay: Djebel Musa, 320 m, Hub.-Mor. 11959. Adana: 14 km E. of Osmaniye, c. 900 m, Sorger 71-34-8! Maraş: Akher (Ahir) Da., 1000 m, Balls 1126! Lebanon. E. Medit. element. Although variable in several characters, this species is easily recognized by the firm leaves green above and grey-tomentose below - a feature not found in any other yellow-flowered Centaurea in Turkey. |