Alliaceae |
![]() Allium tchihatschewii |
A. tchihatschewii Boiss. in Tchihat., Asie Miri. Bot. 2:551 (1860). Syn: A.janthinum Freyn in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 4:191 (1896). Figure 4. Map 18. Bulb ovoid, G.6-1 cm diain.; outer tunics membranous, blackish, densely striate. Stem 13-24 cm, very flexuous, often violet below. Leaves 2-3, filiform, 0,5-i mm broad, semiterete, striate, curved, as iong as stem, lower sheaths often dark violet. Valves of spathe l/4-l/3(-l/2)xumbel. Umbel 3-4 cm diam., 20-30-flowered, effuse, lax. Pediceis 1.5-2.5 cm, somewhat unequal, lilac, slender, divaricate, arched. Perianth campanulate; segments pale lilac, lavender or pink, elliptic, 4-5 mm, very obtuse. Filaments shorter than or as long as perianth. Anthers violet. Capsule globose-triquetrous, 3.5-4 mm, scarcely longer than perianth. Fl. 6-7, Hard rocky slopes, 1000-2000 m. Type: [Turkey A7 Gümüşane] Armenia, inter pagos Kerekli et Koesse (Köse) (ad NON. urbis Gumuchhane), declivit. Occident. m.Koessedagh(Köse Da.}, 1800-2000 m, 1858, Tchihatcheff 252 (holo. G! iso. P!). N.E. & S. Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Mescitli Köy, 1000 m, Tobey 2041! B6 Adana: Saimbeyli plateau, 1500 m, Koyuncu (AEF 6228)! C6 Adana: Hadjine (old Saimbeyli) to Karakilise, 9 vii 1906, G. & B. Post 617! Maraş: d. Andirin, nr Geben, Koyuncu (AEF 6218)! Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. |