
Acer monspessulanum
subsp. oksalianum
Acer L.
Acer monspessulanum L. subsp. oksalianum YALT.
Ömür: Çok yıllık
Yapı: ağaç
Hayat formu:
İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 0
Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 0
Habitat: sel yatakları, kayalık yamaçlar, karışık yaprak döken ormanlar
Minimum yükseklik: 1000
Maksimum yükseklik: 1200
Endemik: endemik
Element: D. Akdeniz
Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu
Genel dağılımı: Türkiye
Bulunduğu kareler: A8 A9 B2 B5 B6 B9 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 C9

A. monspessulanum L,, Sp. PL 1056 (1753). Map 49, p. 515.
  Shrub or small tree up to 7(-12) m. Young branches glabrous, pubescent or villosulous. Leaf blade 3-lobed to ½-⅔ (sometimes 5-lobed or coarsely dentate on sterile shoots), 1.1-6 x 1-7.8 cm, rounded or subcordate at base, lobes triangular-ovate to ovate-oblong, entire or ± denticulate, subcoriaceous, lower surface glabrous, pubescent or tomentose; petiole glabrous, pubescent or tomentose, 5-10 cm, not lactiferous. Flowers in erect, shortly pedunculate, more than 5-flowered corymbs. Fruit wings nearly parallel to divaricate (angle between the outside edges of the wings 20-85°), 14-22 x 5-11 mm; nutlets not compressed, rounded, glabrous, pubescent or tomentose; loculus hairy or glabrous. Fl. 4-5. A very variable species. Five subspecies can be recognised in Turkey; other taxa occur in Iran.
1. Loculus (inside) glabrous; sepals not ciliate; leaves glabrous subsp. monspessulanum
1. Loculus (inside) hairy; sepals ciliate; leaves glabrous or hairy beneath .
  2. Nutlets glabrous; leaves glabrous or shortly pubescent beneath
   3. Leaves glabrous on both sides
    4. Leaf blade divided to f, usually less than 3.5 cm, middle lobe narrowly oblong-ovate, 7-15 mm broad at base subsp. microphyllum
    4. Leaf blade divided to halfway, more than 3.5 cm, middle lobe broadly ovate, 17-25 mm broad at base subsp. ibericum
   3. Leaves shortly adpressed-pubescent on the lower surface (leaf shape as in subsp. ibericum, 2-6 cm) subsp. cinerascens
  2. Nutlets ± tomentose; leaf tomentose beneath subsp. oksalianum
subsp. monspessulanum. Ic: Schneider, I11. Handb. Laub. 2: f. 157 (1907); Fiori & Ic. Fl. Ital. f. 2447 (1901). Rocky slopes, 1000-1700 m.
  Described from Montpellier (France).
  B2 Uşak: Itecik, 1200 m, Özpinar (ISTO 1818)! C3 Antalya: d. Gebiz, Bozburun Da., at Taşli Y., 1700 m, D. 15503! Akseki, Emirhisar, 1700 m, Duru (ISTO 1829)! Konya: Beyşehir to Akseki, 1360 m, Hub.-Mor. 8574. Burdur: Gölhisar nr. Kozağaç köyü, 1000-1200 m, Efe (ISTO 4042)! C4 Içel: Mut to Dağpazari, 1400 m, Taş (ISTO 4123)!
  S. & C. Europe, N.W. Africa. In Europe very variable in leaf shape. The limited Turkish material seen belongs to two strikingly different variants. The specimen from Uşak has the largest leaf blades more than 3 cm, with the middle lobe more than 1.2 cm broad, and samaras more than 22 mm long. The remaining specimens have smaller leaves with narrow lobes, and smaller samaras,
subsp. microphyllum (Boiss.) Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 31(2): 198 (1914). Syn: A. monspessulanum var. microphyllum Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 951 (1867)! A. syriacumBoiss. & Gaill. var. hermoneum Bornrm. in Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien vol. 571 (1898). Rocky limestone slopes, 300-1400 m.
  Provisional lectotype: [Anti-Lebanon] in declivitatibus Hermonis, Kotschy 240 (G! K! BM!).
  B5 Seyhan: Saimbeyli-Karakilise, Post 1906: 534! B6 Seyan: Hacin (Saimbeyli), Maniss. 924 (leaves 3-5 cm)! C4 Konya: Ermenek, 10 vi 1950, Attila! Içel: Mut, Adras Da., 1400 m, Yalt. (ISTO 4017)! C5 Içel: Gülek Boğazi, 1400 m, Siehe 1896: 659! C6 Hatay: Cassius, 300-600 m, Haradj. 3027! Gaziantep: Gaziantep to Fevzipaşa, Kurd Da., Balls 2172! Maraş: Zeytun to Berit Da., 1200 m, Balls 924a! Seyhan: Osmaniye, Yarpuz, 900 m, Odabaşi (1STO 2139)! C8 Mardin: Terek (Derik), Hausskn. (fide Boiss.).
  Lebanon, Latakia, Anti-Lebanon, Syrian Desert (Djl Druze, Djl Sindjar).
subsp. ibericum (Bieb.) Yalt. in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 28: 10 (1967). Syn: A. ibericum Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 2: 447 (1808). Ic: Fl. Azerb. 6: t. 21 f. 3 (1955).
  Type: Iberia (Georgia).
  A8 Çoruh: Artvin, & A9 Kars: Kulp (Grossheim 6: map 142).
  Caucasia, N. & N.W. Iran.
subsp. cinerascens (Boiss.) Yalt. in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 28: 10 (1967). Syn: A. cinerascens Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(4): 29 (1845)! A. assyriacum Pojark. in Act. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sc. Fasc. 1: 145 (1933). Ic: Schneider, I11. Handb. Laub. 2: f. 158, 159 (1907). Rocky limestone slopes, 1100-2000 m.
  Type: In Persia australi prope urbem Schiraz, Kotschy 37 (K!).
  B9 Bitlis: Reşadiye to Kotum, 2000 m, D. 22375! Van: 15 km N of Şatak, D. 22986a! C6 Maraş: Ahir Da., 1200 m, Balls 924! C8 Mardin: 5 km E of Mardin, 1100 m, D. 28598! C9 Hakkari: Zab gorge, 40 km S of Başkale, D. 23846!
  N. Iraq, W. & S. Iran, S. Transcaucasia. Ir.-Tur. element. A very similar specimen has been seen from Algeria.
subsp. oksalianum Yalt. in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 28: 10 (1967). Gullies, rocky slopes, mixed deciduous forest, 1000-1200 m.
  Type: [Turkey C6 Maraş], d. Andirin, Sarimsak Da., 1000-1100 m, 1953, Kayacık (holo. ISTO 388)!
  C6 Seyhan: d. Bahçe, Haruniye to Fevzipaşa, 1150 m, D. 26773! Hatay: Iskenderun to Gavur Da., Bağda (ISTE 10)!
Endemic; E. Medit. element. Remarkable for its dense indumentum of long flexuous hairs, like that of A. hyrcanum subsp. keckianum. Four specimens seen from the S. Amanus (Cassius, Boiss.; ibid., Meinertzhagen) and Maraş (Andirin, Yalt. (ISTO 4019, 4045), are intermediate between subsp. oksalianum and subsp. microphyllum.
  A. monspessulanum has been recorded from various other localities in Turkey (cf. Boissier, Fl. Or. 1: 951, 1867; Bornmüller in Mitt. Thür. Bot. Ver. 24: 29, 1908; O. Schwarz in Feddes Rep. 36: 96, 1934; Birand, Türkiye Bitkileri, 148, 1952; Stojanov, Ann. Univ. Sofia 8-9: 29, 1914); the precise identity of these plants is uncertain. For a note on A. monspessulanum var. lycicum, see A. semper-virens L.