XVII International Botanical Congress
Vienna, Austria Europe

Austria Center Vienna
17 - 23 July 2005
Nomenclature Section
UNI-CAMPUS Hörsaalzentrum
12 - 16 July 2005
100 Years after the II IBC in Vienna 1905

Page 326,
Poster 0534

The Scanning-Transferring; Dried and Fresh Plant Materials to the Computer with Isik Kutusu

N. Demirkuş*, M. Fırat*

*Yüzüncü Yıl University Education Faculty, Van, Turkey.

Abstract body
      The ISIK KUTUSU for transferring pictures, images of motionless beings and objects to the computer, depending on the quality of the scanner.
This device provides remarkably good results in transferring three-dimensional images of motionless beings and objects to the computer with a qualitated imaging and printing when used with scanners. Our device also provides facility for the analysis of the images of various entities in a number of fields in digital environment with a magnitude up to 60 times bigger than the real object (6000 %). An equality has been formulated in order to give the approximate count of the real magnitude depending on the dpi and the zooming counts. The device is patented, up to 2007
      But recently the description of device will be free for everybody on the web page. We will demonstrate; preparing, scanning and transferring plant materials to the computer with ISIK KUTUSU Also the plant images of The Virtual Herbarium of Van Province is prepared with using ISIK KUTUSU will be introduce on web page https://www.nadidem.net/flora/index.htm/ingindex.htm    

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